
研究的机会- Students engaged in class, lab and presenting research

The 本科生研究办公室 identifies and develops research opportunities for CSUDH students on campus and at other institutions, 在学年期间以及夏季研究经验. If you’re interested in doing research, the best place to start is to talk to your instructors! 他们是各自领域的学科专家, and often can provide specialized guidance that is specific to your major. 如果您对寻找研究机会有疑问,请问我们! 我们的邮箱是our@basilinfracon.com. CSUDH is supported by a breadth of research programs that are specifically designed to help undergraduates succeed in research and help them transition towards graduate school. 以下是目前在校内和校外运行的项目, many of which work closely with the 本科生研究办公室. You may learn more about the eligibility and requirement of the programs using the links below.

Cal-Bridge Logo


该计划提供研究机会和支持  Physics and  Computer Science 计划攻读博士学位的专业学生.



We are happy to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 2023/2024 海岸大学本科生研究支持计划.  基社盟海洋事务委员会, Science and Technology (COAST) is the umbrella organization for marine and coastal-related activities within the CSU. COAST promotes research and education to advance our knowledge of natural marine and coastal resources and the processes that affect them. COAST encourages all types of research and other activities that relate to the open and coastal ocean, 海岸地带(海湾), estuaries, beaches), 以及沿海流域的生物, 材料或过程最终与海岸接合.  COAST支持的工作不仅限于加州的研究.

COAST created the Undergraduate Student Research Support Program to provide funding to every campus in the CSU to support undergraduate student participation in faculty-mentored marine, 沿海和沿海流域研究. The goal of this program is to engage students interested in pursuing marine-related careers and provide them with the opportunity to obtain the skills necessary to join a highly skilled, technologically advanced workforce while promoting and supporting CSU faculty research. 

Application instructions and details about the 海岸大学本科生研究支持计划 can be found in the attached document. Please disperse widely to all CSUDH faculty and students that may be interested!



 Please contact Dr. Charlene McCord (cmccord@basilinfracon.com) or Dr. Samantha Leigh (sleigh@basilinfracon.com) with any questions, comments, or concerns about this program, or COAST.


LSAMP (路易斯·斯托克斯少数民族参与联盟)

该计划为研究用品和旅行提供资金, and workshops, 专为有意从事STEM研究的本科生而设.

McNair Logo


这个项目提供津贴, 以及为物资提供资金, travel, 并支持计划攻读博士学位的学生.

Mellon Mays Logo


This is a program fellowship support for students who intend to enroll in a PhD program in the humanities and social sciences (eligible majors: Africana Studies Anthropology, Art History, Chicano/a Studies, Communications, English, History, 跨学科研究, Spanish, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Sociology).


U-RISE (Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement - T34)

This 2-year, honors-level, student research program provides paid hands-on research opportunities with faculty mentors at CSUDH, 伦德奎斯特研究所和查尔斯·德鲁大学. 资金支持包括每月津贴, 参加研究会议, 实验室用品, 铀浓缩活动, 研究生准备, 暑期研究经历, and up to 60% of paid tuition and fees to support students who intend to pursue a PhD in biomedical or behavioral sciences.


RISE (科学提升研究计划- R25)

This student research program provides paid hands-on research opportunities with faculty mentors at CSUDH, 伦德奎斯特研究所和查尔斯·德鲁大学. 资金支持包括全年的小时工资, travel, 实验室用品, 铀浓缩活动, 研究生准备, and 暑期研究经历 to support students who intend to pursue a PhD in biomedical or behavioral sciences.


U-GROW: Undergraduates Gaining 研究的机会 for the Cancer Workforce

Introducing U-GROW: Research education boot camp, paid summer internship & proseminar with poster session, and year-round mentoring with scientific communications instruction

U-GROW (Undergraduates Gaining 研究的机会 for the Cancer Workforce) is a partnership between 雪松-西奈癌症中心 在洛杉矶和八个大洛杉矶地区校区 加州州立大学 system. We are an undergraduate research education program whose goal is to diversify the public health workforce. Through internships at Cedars-Sinai Cancer and mentorship and training from Cedars-Sinai and CSU faculty, we prepare promising college students from communities disproportionately affected by cancer health disparities for research careers that promote health equity.


请阅读附件PDF, 哪个概述了程序的组成部分, time expectations, 以及应用程序的链接, 在日历上标出以下日期. You can join our mailing list here or follow us on Instagram (@ugrow_publichealth) or LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/company/ugrow-publichealth) for updates. 


U-GROW项目主任Darrah Kuratani博士.D., MPH, at darrah.kuratani@cshs.org 


STEM Advantage

这个项目的导师, prepares and inspires women and underserved communities to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) through a 360-degree program that includes help finding a paid internship, a mentor, scholarships, professional development workshops/webinars and events to build community. This program is offered to STEM students attending one of the six CSU campuses, 包括澳门十大赌场注册平台.

CDU Logo

SART (药物滥用及障碍研究及训练)

SART Brochure

A training program designed to advance substance abuse research skills and to reduce health disparities in substance use disorders and addiction.  SART面向专业前培训生(本科生), 硕士学生, and post-baccalaureate; early-stage) from academic programs at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (CDU) or 加州州立大学, 多明格斯丘陵(CSUDH),需要论文.

UndocuScholars标志- CSUDH



The goal of the 托罗非文献学者研究计划 is to provide currently and formerly undocumented students and mixed-status students an opportunity to 从事研究 并做好准备 进入研究生院.

Please note that many of these research opportunities are federally funded, and hence support is limited for those who are not US citizens or permanent residents. 如果你没有资格获得这些支持, there still are options available to you and our office is committed to providing access to research opportunities. 如果你是STEM专业的非法移民, 请看这个暑期研究机会列表 这些都是可用的. 请不要犹豫与我们联系您的选择.